Review content:
If want your property to get a Title Lien
If you want to get involved in a lawsuit over unpaid material bills
If you want more trouble than you can imagine then hire Aaron Hoffman, Arron's Landscape Service,Cool Ca.
This is what Al and Kelly Czap of Thorne Research did for their new mega estate on 2210 Soda Canyon Road, Napa CA.
What I do know is that I and another very awesome nursery brought premium plants worth nearly $5,000 to the job, AS SPECIFIED AND AGREED UPON with Arron and Kelly.
Screwed out of money due for invoice WO110611 $3,537.69
Wow did I get an ass kicking November 7, 8 and 9th by Aaron Hoffman of Aaron's Landscaping Services.
At this time I out nearly $1,500 in expenses on this order. I will lose the next 2 days, Nov 10th & 11th to filling out property liens and a civil suite to collect the total money lost and spent on this blunder, well over $3,000, since I am getting stuck with the fees from one of my nursery vendors for this job
This lovely night time video is at 2210 Soda Canyon Road, Napa Ca, residence of Al and Kelly Czap, owners of Thorne Labs, Idaho.
Aaron's Landscape Services of Cool, Ca is the landscape contractor, a C-27.
I made the delivery about 8hrs away from my starting point. In addition to costing me a huge amount of money on restocking charges, standby time, about $300 in fuel, a cold night sleeping in my truck in Napa, Aaron also did not have the money for another $1300 (apx) in plants that he had started planting on the site earlier in the day. Blaming his customers for not understanding Nor Cal citrus sizes, who blamed me of course for not bringing much larger So Cal citrus up North, a very serious NO NO.
The Czap or Craps is they will now be known wanted boxed So Cal citrus, instead of Nor Cal tub grown citrus. Even though the invoice they instructed Arron's Landscape not to accept the previously agreed upon citrus order.
The specimen CITRUS plants were of very high quality and often sell at Bay Area nurseries for $325 to $425 each. Aaron's Landscape Services was only to pay $250.00 each, pocket change for plants like these.
Chris Gilcrest
Growquest Growers