Review content:
Peace Montessori is an exceptional school! We have already put our older son through the 3-5-yr old program at Peace, he was there for 2 & ? years, & he is flourishing in 1st grade now. When he entered Kindergarten last year, he was reading 2 grade levels above his peers, and his understanding of math & science concepts far surpassed his public school classmates. And not only did he start elementary school w/ a leg up in academics because of the fantastic start he got in preschool at Peace, he also displayed superior self-control & a consistent ability to follow directions & be a positive role model for others. Our younger son is currently in his 2nd year at Peace in the 3-5-yr old program, also having an absolutely wonderful experience! He is totally different in personality from our older son, which makes my recommendation of Peace Montessori's preschool environment even more powerful in my opinion. I say this because we enrolled 2 completely different children w/ varying strengths & weaknesses, & these talented teachers used their nurturing instincts, kind hearts, & deep understanding of Montessori education to help guide each child toward developing his own individual intrinsic motivation for learning, & have thus fostered w/in each child a real sense of personal responsibility & a confidence to be self-sufficient that we were absolutely amazed to watch evolve, particularly w/ our younger, more spirited child. It seems to us that the kind of child-centered education our boys have received at Peace has taught them how to be life-long learners, & more importantly, taught them the true joy of learning! Peace is a truly authentic Montessori school, not a typical play-based preschool program, or even a hybrid of the 2. It is multi-age, as a genuine Montessori program ought to be, w/ 3-6-year olds together in 1 class. The younger ones benefit from observing the older children, the older children act as mentors & leaders, & the kids can really develop at their own pace because the classroom has materials appropriate for 3-yr olds all the way up to 7-yr olds. There's a very deliberate selection of Montessori activities in our son's classroom; not the typical Legos-blocks-trucks toys we have at home, & it's clear the kids love to engage w/ them over & over again. By working w/ these materials, our boys have learned certain skills we can't imagine having found a way to explicitly teach them, at home or anywhere else - such as careful observation, hand strength, the ability to distinguish musical tones, the shapes of letters, counting, etc. All the materials build sequentially, enabling the children to progress from one to the next as their abilities evolve; & they're self-correcting, so the kids can work independently of the teachers & learn to problem-solve on their own. This has been a huge plus for our 2nd son specifically! He tends to get super frustrated very easily w/ even the simplest things, but the frequency & intensity of his impatient outbursts has decreased dramatically & incrementally over the last year & ? that he's been at Peace. The angelic patience his teachers have shown him, along w/ the problem-solving skills he's picked up through his exploration during free work time, have undoubtedly given him the tools he needs to function more calmly & confidently throughout his daily life. All in all, putting both our children in Peace Montessori for preschool was the best decision we ever made!!