Review content:
If your looking for the bottom-feeders, low-life's, miscreants, dreggs of society, self-serving walking wastes-of-flesh, and overall losers (which largely inhabit the nearby city of Tomball) assembled under the same roof, then you're search is over!!! The place reeks of urine, cigarettes, and cheap stripper perfume. It deserves nothing more than villification, lamenting of its very existence, and foreboding. It being both ominous and wretched, scandalous and treacherous at the same time. Being locked in a barren white 6X8 room with a candle, 2 Q-tips, a block of velveta, an easy bake oven, a mousetrap, and a dog from Etheopia would be more entertaining than this place. Someone do these poor employees a favor, talk the owner into putting this place out of its misery, and hand him a can full of gas and a handfull of matches, and pray that God gave him the good foresight to insure this landfill beforehand. On the other hand, if you were searching for the finest collection of wasted human beings, do us all a favor as well as yourself, and step inside with them, before he turns the place into an Aggie Bonfire!!!
Pros: Is this a serious question
Cons: Take your pick