Review content:
Let me first begin by saying that Aida, who owns the gym, is a great woman. She is passionate and will really kick your butt when it comes to working out. She's tough, so she may not be for everyone. But I didn't get to train with her for too long due to scheduling and so this review is not of her. Unfortunately, I don't think I have enough room here to write the full review but I'll try.
Instead, this is about Billy, the other trainer there. I do not believe he was trained on the proper techniques of being professional with clients. He also did not listen to me and my personal goals. He stated his goal for me, and then assumed it had always been my goal since the beginning. His tactic for motivation is negativity by making the client feel horrible about themselves.
I only trained with Billy for 3 weeks and this is how far he took it. On more than one occasion, he stated that I was going to die early. Saying this to someone whose lifetime friend at the age of 25 passed away suddenly just a year ago, while they were in the prime of their health is not the way to go. She was an athlete and runner, actually passed away in the gym. But how could he know this about me? He doesn't know ANYTHING about me and still judged EVERYTHING in my life.
Billy will text and contact you outside of the hours you work together, telling you to GET SERIOUS. I never asked for these texts. When I fell ill one week and wanted to reschedule my workout to the following day, I got a long text about not making excuses. He then proceeded to get into a screaming match with me on the phone, when I called him to tell him that he needed to stop. Finally, after talking it out, we trained one more time. He then decided he did not want to train me and told Aida to call me about this. This after he had cancelled a morning session with me. I texted him after my phone call with Aida, saying that I had spoken with her and learned he didn't want to train me anymore, so I guess I will not be seeing him on that upcoming Friday for our session. After this, he called me to yell at me and insult me. Completely unprofessional and unnecessary, judging my entire life by knowing me for 3 weeks. He cursed at me, raised his voice, and insulted me several times. Once again told me I was going to die early, was going to get a stomach tumor from being obese, and told me that I was off the charts in body fat percentage and how did I feel about that. BTW, they use a scale to measure your body fat percentage and not even calipers.
I had actually been successful with trainers previously and have worked with many different ones. I never ever had an experience like this. Also, Billy commented on my breasts on more than one occasion, which should have made me head for the door immediately, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. Once he commented on their size and another time he accidentally brushed one and pointed at them and talked to them saying ""this was their fault."" I swear to you, I am not making this up. It was completely unprofessional, and made me quite uncomfortable. All of this was unprofessional.
I told Billy my goal was to get healthier and feel stronger, and as a by product I would lose weight. I am currently a first year med student, so I needed a good workout but one that didn't make me worthless at the end of it since I would need 6+ more hours of mental stamina and concentration. I knew it would be a slow progression and I was fine with this, Billy was not. One time he made me so sore, I couldn't lift a glass of water to my mouth without being in pain. Oh he will also tell you to constantly pop motrin. This is bad for your stomach lining, do not do this! I had to more than a few times because I couldn't sleep due to the pain i was in. I could go on and on about all the horrible things he said as well as more details about the situation, but I don't think there is enough room here for that.