Review content:
My cat caught a cold but I waited it out for the first two days to see if he'd be able to fight it off himself. It seemed to get worse as he had a little trouble breathing and threw up twice. After reading reviews on Citysearch, I brought my cat here to get checked out. The receptionist seemed genuinely concerned and was able to squeeze me in ASAP when I explained his symtoms. After the routine weigh in and temp check the DR came in to examine him. It took all but 5 min to tell us he has a cold, needs antibiotics, we need to make sure he eats and stays hydrated and he'll run a couple tests just in case. Sounds good right? Well not so much when I got my bill for $438!! Apparently he did an XRay, bl00d test, urine test, the works. I called back the next day for test results and was on hold for about 20 min. Then I was told he was on the other line and would call me back in a couple minutes. After waiting 2 hours, I called them back and all I got from the DR was he has a high count of white bl00d cells ( whatever that means), continue giving him the antibiotic, and call back if it doesn't improve so they can run more tests. First of all, I know it's my stupidity for paying the bill. But when your cat is yacking, sneezing, breathing through his mouth because his nose is stuffy/runny .. you trust that the DR knows best, right? Right ..well that's what I did . .and I can't help but feel like I got jipped. I also kinda feel like they looked at my employment to come up with a price. I work at a well known company, but I'm an entry level college student not a top Exec. As I was leaving I overheaard the receptionist giving another customer a discount even though it's usually for ""police officers, firefighters, etc.. but they'll do it this one time."" If my cat doesn't get better, I think I'll try elsewhwere, because I can't afford another $400+.
Pros: Quick Service, Variety of tests done
Cons: If you love your pet, come w/ your checkbook, credit card, pinkslip to your car, and/or deed to your home ...