Review content:
I've been to Bliss twice, which usually would mean I would reserve judgment. However... My second time there was to get my hair done for my wedding. Two of my bridesmaids and my mother went with me. Let me be clear: they all had a very positive experience, which is the only reason this didn't get a one star review. The woman who did my hair glanced at my pictures, asked me a question or two and went to work. She was 3/4 of the way done when I got to see what was going on: my hair was pouffed up like helium off my head. (I found out after the fact that all the other stylists asked how much pouf they wanted.) I said, ""Oh, it's... pouffy."" The pictures I had selected, by the way, had very little pouf. She told me, with a bit of attitude, that I ""want it that way"" and proceeded, on MY wedding day, to explain to me why. Then, without asking me what I wanted to do about it, she proceeded to try to de-pouf, which, you might guess, only lead to a bird's nest look. Somehow, she managed to be visibly annoyed with me for the rest of the time we were there. In relating this story over the weeks since my wedding, I've been surprised to find other people who know not only who I'm talking about, but agree that she is a piece of work. Bliss might be a great salon, but until they take care of this employee, I would go somewhere else. There's plenty of just as good, if not better, salons nearby.