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This is my second attempt at physical therapy for the same issues, the first physical therapists were elsewhere and ineffective.
Physical Therapist Vonna Karoghlanian is night and day from what I experienced from the several PT?s I saw at the other facility. She is as good or better than the best doctors (specialists) and I treat her appointments with the same deference I do the specialists. She is that good.
What does she do that is so right? Well, everything. She is highly competent and her thorough knowledge of the human body is clearly evident, every muscle, tendon, nerve and bone, literally, from head to toe. She is very specific with what she wants done, her instructions are clear and concrete and leave no ambiguity. She knows just the right amount of repetitions to task being cognizant of overwhelming. She is good at teaching how to do things correctly. She keeps updated with advances and techniques in her field - she is experienced but not dated. She will refer to other specialists should she find additional problems, and coordinate with the originally referring doctor. She goes out of her way to alleviate pain including following up between appointments when appropriate. Most importantly, she takes her work personally, which translates to she takes my progress personally, as a reflection of her work.
She is excellent at discussing sensitive issues confidentially and does so in a manner that I later think, that was really impressive. Doctors that refer to her are among the most recognized and accomplished specialists in their fields, including those who work and have worked with professional teams in the NBA and MLB and the U.S. soccer team. I have learned that she is the physical therapist that some of those same physicians choose when the need for their own personal treatment arises. Additionally, she sees many fellow physical therapists and their families. A doctor with prior knowledge of physical therapy recently remarked that Vonna Karoghlanian is among a select few highly respected and exceptionally capable physical therapists. The highest compliment is the respect of one?s peers. It is clear that in the doctor?s view and from my experience that she is in a very small class well above the vast majority of her peers.
As a reflection of her professionalism and dedication to her work, her office is boutiquey, making it more comfortable and not like a sterile doctor?s office or poor man?s gym. She has a well adorned waiting area designed like a sitting room, a private treatment room with the comfort of Trader Joe?s supplies, and an area with fitness equipment. Her office is bright and pleasant.
I have very high standards and do not offer accolades lightly. Vonna Karoghlanian really is outstanding. I am not alone in my synopsis as I hear praise from her other patients, time and again, made directly to her. She has a warm and outgoing personality and could not be nicer. If you have to have physical therapy this is who you want to see. I would be very disappointed if I had a future need for physical therapy if it was with someone other than her. Expertise, competence and kindness on her part and feeling better and more fit on my part thanks to her are well worth the time spent. There is not enough praise to properly portray Vonna Karoghlanian?s abilities.