Review content:
I had CPS for my car loan for 6 grueling years! First off, I was lied to by the place I purchased my car as my payments ended up higher than I wanted. They said, ""Oh, CPS, will redo your loan after a year!"" Wrong! They said they didn't do that. Then I had a problem with the due date, which was the 3rd and, being I only got paid every 2 wks. I didn't have enough money on one check to pay both them and my rent. I chose to pay my rent, therefore I was always 2 weeks late with my car payment. I called and asked if they could change my due date to the middle of the month so I wasn't always late and explained why! They said they couldn't do that either! I believe they purposely didn't want to so they could keep charging me late charges! Whenever I was late, they would call my house, work, and cell phone numerous times a week! I asked them not to call my work but they still did anyways. One month in 2007, when I was only 3 wks late, they called my boss and told her they were coming to get my car out of the company parking lot! I worked 27 miles from my home and had they actually done it, I would have been stranded! I told the receptionists at my work if they ever called again, to tell them I no longer worked there or was on vacation or something. Then they started calling my cell! How they got the number, I don't know as I only gave it out to close friends and family as I was on a minute plan!
They even had the audacity to call my brother in Tennessee (I live in Illinois) and harassed him about my payment! He was one of my references when I got the loan! When they did all this I had the loan half way paid! I usually paid my payment online as I wante to give them their money fast and was usually late a week or two. They charged a larger fee then any company I have ever dealt with online! The electric compnay only charges a $3.50 fee, my car insurance place, $5.00, Comast doesn't charge at all and neither does the phone company. CPS charged me $12.00 friggin dollars every month to give them their money faster! Plus the late charge which was $10. When I did take their phone calls, they were always rude, nasty, pushy and demanded I give them a post dated check. I told them I didn't have checking, jus a debit card and would pay them online a.s.a.p. They threatened to repo my car several times in 6 yrs. even tho I was never over a month late! Then when I did a free credit report, I saw they gave me a good rating! Go figure! I 3 times during those 6 yrs. they let me defer my December payment as a Christmas gift since I was a preferred customer. They said they would tack it onto the end of my loan. I assumed this meant they were extending my loan duration. My last actual payment on the car was suppose to be October 2011 but I still owed the 3 deferred payments, which they wanted all at once! (came to over $1000 ) I thought I would get to pay it off monthly as I had my regular payments. I finally paid that off in Jan.2012. I gave them the amount I normally would have those 3 months. The called and harrassed me several times. Then they claimed the car wasn't totally paid off because I owed them $60. in late fees! I told them I wasn't paying them since they wouldn't change my due date and there was nothing I could do about it. Then in April 2012, I noticed they waived the fees! I called their Cali office and the lady was really nice and said ""your car is totally paid off and we will be sending you the title in a couple of weeks"". Amazingly, I got it just before I got the notice about the class action suit! Of course, I signed up for it! I also told the lady that I WOULD NEVER RECCOMEND THEIR COMPANY TO ANYONE!