Review content:
Please anyone considering this complex - do your homework and check the crime STATS - BEFORE considering renting from these people. Changing their name from Waverly Apartments to disguise the posted negative reviews about staff, crime (inclusive of drug-related, forced entry burglaries, vehicle thefts, assault crimes). If you enjoy this type of environment, more power to you as you'll fit right in.
When I moved out, already 2 reports of maintenance staff walking into an apartment without legitimate purpose to enter. In both cases, tenant was there. One case, maintenance claimed to have gotten the wrong building - only the buildings don't share the same building numbers. Another such unauthorized entry, again tenant in apt, maintenance claimed to have work order relative to 'locks'. Tenant made no such work order. In both reported incidents, maintenance did not knock - just let themselves in.
Research crime by address:
www dot wspdp2 dot ORGanization forward slash p2c
From a credible source, one maintenance person was reported to be a convicted felon. I confirmed separately that he does in fact have a record, altho nature of conviction is not revealed. Contrary to what the management professes about background checks, at the time of my vacating - this individual had been in their employ several months, plenty of time for an employment background check to come back.
These buildings - no matter how good they appear, as 'sick' buildings and in need of repairs. They just cosmetically cover up the problem - indoor mold being a huge one.
Staff - all warm and fuzzy with potential tenants. I am directly aware of specific incidents wherein not only my tenancy was discussed with other tenants - even potential tenants, so were derogatory remarks made to me about another by an employee.
If you like this environment, go for it. Else don't bother. This is the 3rd name change now of this complex, formerly owned by Bethany Group who went belly up. Property was in receivership at least last year if not longer. All office staff has since been changed over and as observed, new staff all had MI license plates.
Even with the massive increase in crime - where is LE? August 1, 2009 through February 28, 2010 - roughly 46 burglaries reported in this complex - just on this property.
Their pricing simply is not worth the risks. Better choices out there - don't buy their hype.
Anyone who does choose to enter into a lease - read every blasted sentence in what you sign, including ALL attachments, especially if coming in on a special. Make sure it all matches up with what you are told. Know their published pricing on the web for the size apartment being considered.
There's much more - but this should be enough to jumpstart anyone's ""radar"" to get more information beyond what they tell you.
***Also, don't buy owner message about this property being one of the most sought's a lie. From a credible source, back in March occupancy rate reported as roughly 79%, if not lower.
Direct observations - they can't keep those apartments rented to the non-criminal element. Constantly people moving in - and moving out within first very few months of moving in - not even that long in some cases after moving in as observed earlier this year.
***Does that sound like ""one of the most sought after address in Winston Salem""?
***Former inside source - staff themselves is reported to enter 5-star ratings (before name change from Waverly to Ambercrest - which is a very recent change).
Pros: looks nice, not nice under the looks
Cons: massive crime within this complex