Review content:
First off, Just from reading the other review, I can easily tell this person based their judgement of an entire company off of one experience (which to be honest sounds exaggerated or even made-up). I live in Los Angeles and I travel to Las Vegas at least 10 times a year. As I like to travel light, I always rely on the cab companies of Las Vegas to take me around. Cab companies being what they are - a huge operation with a high turnover rate (bad drivers are usually fired quickly) - it is hard to really get a TRULY ACCURATE view of a specific company. This is why I try to ride with a different Cab Company every time I visit Vegas, and there are DEFINITELY a few companies that stick out - as the worst AND the best. First off - Let me acknowledge that ALL companies have the potential to long-haul, even with the strictest training and rules for drivers, with so many drivers, all making minimal money, eventually a driver from every company is gonna act on an impulse and [attempt] to long-haul someone. With that in mind, I have CONSISTENTLY been long-hauled by companies like NELLIS Cab, Whittlesea/Yellow Cab/Checker Cab, and even Desert Cab. I don't think Nellis Cab has even ONCE given me a choice as far as the route. It's very apparent that these drivers have not been warned about long-hauls, or the fact that it is illegal - either that or they simply don't care; because after I tell the driver my destination, their either just take off down the freeway (long-haul), or they say something like, ""Would you like to go the surface streets which are really slow, or would you like the fast route that will get you right there?"" Of course, the fast route is a long-haul, and most infrequent cab riders would go with the driver's implied recommendation. When I have used cab companies such as ABC Union, and Ace Cab, at least 85-95% of the time, they give you an option of either route, BUT - they also always tell you that your fare will cost more if you take the freeway route, or the scenic (expensive) route. Its nothing but a fact that ALL cab drivers would like to make some extra money, but I believe the true crime is in misleading and lying to your customer. If the passenger doesn't care, and wants to take the more expensive route, that is fine, but that person should ALWAYS KNOW that they are paying more, and what they are paying for. And I personally can vouch for ABC Union cab - they have always been friendly and honest. AS FOR what the other reviewer said, IT IS A WASTE OF TIME TO REPORT A DRIVER FOR THIS. Honestly, if the review below me is even real, I can't understand what made them think that reporting a single driver could make a difference. If the driver was long-hauling, he'll be fired before the TA even gets your complaint, rendering your actions a waste of time. If you want to wait 30 minutes after your cab ride to report a driver, deal with the Taxicab authority (whom doesn't care about such small incidents), and likely ruin your mood/day, then sure, follow the steps ""vegastraveler"" has given. Please actually have more than 1 experience with a cab before you downplay an entire business.