Review content:
Yes, it is pricey
But you know what they say, you get what you pay for
Could it be cheaper??
But then you might get the knock-off machines that make all kinds of weird noises while using them, they are broken half the time or you get the option to either hear of watch your tv, but never both at the same time.
The cleaning crew does a good job and I've never seen any dust bunnies anywhere
This gym has top of the line equipment and the latest in the market too.
Best classes too, there is something about the instructors here that I haven't found anywhere else, except the other equinox in west la, it used to be The Sports Club LA, I worked out there for eight years before it became Equinox.
I'm not so taken with the trainers
They seem to have their own special club, I have seen people completely lost and using the equipment the wrong way, and I've seen trainers passing by , seeing what's happening and not saying a word to that person, I know you are there to make money but you could, once in a while, help someone who is already paying to work out there, not to get a hernia.
Just a thought
I have hired a few of them when I had specific questions, or wanting to learn a new technique to train, they were knowledgeable and friendly, although all of them ended up telling me they were not making enough money and they made it clear they would be happy to train me outside the gym so they could get the same amount I was paying the gym in cash.
Can't blame them for trying but I go there for the equipment, working at the park, is good for fresh air only.
I'm just saying getting a trainer or a massage or a facial and hearing that person complain for half of the session about how they don't make enough money, makes me NEVER to want to hire them again.
Do you want to hear about MY money problems while you train me?? I bet NOT!
I'm not your shrink buddy, I'm your client!
They never seem to stay long enough anyway and notice I'm not naming any names.
I only name names when someone absolutely sucks!
and none of them did, I'm just pointing out what could be better.
I really enjoy the steam room and showers, they are always clean and smelling good.
I know a few people who did have stuff stolen from the locker rooms, so just be over vigilant and don't bring the jewels to the gym.
I still haven't found a gym, including Sports Club LA where your wallet won't be stolen if you leave it out there, in plain view,while you take a long,relaxing steam.
It cracks me up when people complain about the guys who work at the front desk.
They are not friendly enough etc.
My life is not that sad, that I have to make friends with the people who work at the front desk.
Only the kind of people who walk around saying everybody is their ""friend"", can pretend that a person who WORKS at a place you are paying money to work out at could give a care about YOU personally.
where every body knows your name, and they always glad you came...
That was a show, wasn't it?
In real life, I enjoy the equipment, I'm happy that is clean and that they are doing their job.
I've been working out at this gym since they opened and I still like it as much as I did the first day.
They keep updating the equipment and THAT is what is most important to me.
Because I already have friends...... and they don't work the front desk.