Review content:
Be aware, this is a recreational studio, which means, if you or your child is serious about dance, and wants to learn the correct techniques and persue a future in dance, this place is not for you. They put you in classs by age, not by ability, so you could be in a class for a year and not be challenged at all. The classes are not tought by trained, college degree dance instructors, and chances are your child will not learn the proper techiique for the type of dance class they take. You may get lucky and get a good teacher, but if you go elsewhere, you will see the difference. Again, this is a ""for fun"" place. If you just want your child to take dance classes for something to do, this is a great place. But if you feel your child has tallent, then please put them somewhere they will get proper training, because this is not the place. Other places may cost more, but remember, you get what you pay for. I personally would not have my child taking classes from someone who ""took classes"" and is now a ""teacher"" . With no degree in dance or teaching experience. That is not what I would pay for. Even for fun, I would want my child to take from a degreed and e xperienced dance teacher, who could teach them what they need to learn. If you ever saw one of their receitals, that would tell you all you need to know. Go see a receital ffrom them and then one from another studio that has a strong standing, and comaire. You will be amazed. Also if you dont like drama, then stay away from joining the Dance Team. There is nothing but. Not to mention, bad numbers, bad placement of people, and just lack of maturity from the directors. In short, not a place for serious dancers
Cons: non skilled teachers, drama,