Review content:
A battle from move in. Leased and moved into a Siena Gardens unit two and a half months ago. Even though I couldn't receive the key to move in prior to paying the last week of that current month and full following month's rent - and with a cashiers check, so no chance of problem - 11 days after moving in I came home to find a 3 day warning ""Demand for Payment or Possession"" letter with my full name and address, including ""State of CO, Arapahoe County"" and declaration under oath of being served posted to my door. Once able to visit the office to contest this, I was addressed as if I was over-reacting; assurances that it meant nothing, to not stress over it, that it would be cleared up, wasn't a big deal, that it wasn't really filed with the county, just something they send out etc. This just stressed me more since the document appears to be an official legal document, which would not then be considered nothing and no big deal, or just something to send out.
This month (my second month in residence) I paid my rent 4 days in advance, requesting a receipt at that time. I was informed by the Echelon agent that there are no receipts for payment. I was able to receive a photo-copy of the check signed and dated by the receiving agent - which it turns out I'm lucky I did....because sure enough, on the 6th of this month I came home to a second 3 day ""Demand for Payment"" pinned to my door. Just like last time, after arriving at the office and being told again it wasn't anything to get stressed over (coming home to a 3 day notice of possession stresses me beyond description to begin with - being told there's no need to stress so over it offends me so much more), then spending nearly 20 minutes of my time waiting my turn to have the issue addressed, I was told again that it wasn't a big deal, was an(other) error, that they'd take care of it (again) - all I had to do was let them know.....and that if it happens again....I only have to let them know - again. This time though, I did also have to provide the photo-copied check signed by the agent to prove payment date. More distressing still; once proven and system checked, it was discovered that there was no record of my check ever being received, much less posted. It was further suggested that maybe my payments are being mis-posted....that it's still a system glitch and they're (again) taking care of it; (again) once and for all. I am now considering whether I need to find the extra money to pay with certified checks requiring signature for receipt just to cover myself once and for all. A note: I've never lived anywhere, rented or mortgaged, that didn't automatically provide receipt for proof of payment, whether paper if in person, number code if via phone, or online verification if online.
I now dread having to deal with the office for anything. It seems that despite repeated smiling responses that the tenant's comfort is all that matters and that that's what they're there for, that doesn't mean the tenant can expect to not have to be ready to defend and prove their standing - repeatedly; or stomp, growl, and demand to get any of that promised comfort. Your home is supposed to be a place of peace and relaxation - not a place of ongoing battle to prove your right to be there without threat of possession. On my next move one of my first questions will be ""who's your management company - is it Echelon?"".
*there are other tenant complaints listed under a previous Siena Gardens listing.