Review content:
This is the worst practice I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with in my 62 years of living! After only 4 short months I had had it with them. I saw Dr. Horiuchi, he was nice enough, but always seemed to ""rush me ""out as fast as he could, and I am person with numerous medical problems! With my health, I need someone who is very thorough . This was nothing compared to his INCREDIBLY RUDE staff! The worse one being this ""B,"" ""CHRIS"" who is at the front desk. She's always disgruntled acting & rude! The worst thing she ever did to me was, the Dr. had left a written prescription for me at the front desk with ""Chuckles"" (Chris). Chris looked at my prescription, which I thought was none of her business, and announces to the entire waiting room what my medication was! So much for HIPAA laws! I have a good friend who's an R.N.who told me I actually could've sued for this. Chris then threw the prescription at me. To say Chris is incredibly rude, would be a gross understatement. I complained to Dr. Horiuchi about her, he was very apologetic, but obviously doesn't really care how his staff treats patients as the next time I picked up my script, she was just as rude. On that occasion, she eyed me up and down, said, ""This is a narcotic, what are you taking this for?."" Again, not her business, she is NOT the doctor & shouldn't know what people's prescriptions are written for! Again, this was in front of a waiting room full of people, HIPAA violated AGAIN. On my last visit forever, I had been going there for 4 months, I was picking up my script when she demands my ID, she knew good and well who I was! On that last visit she made the rude comment, ""You're still self-pay?'' ""You still don't have insurance?"" That did it, there are millions of Americans who have no health insurance, & I was paying around $100.00 per visit, helping pay this witch's wages, yet she belittled me in front of people, acting like people without insurance are scum. Chris is not the only unpleasant person there, his back office medical assistants act like it's killing them to help you, like it's a real nuisance to take your blood pressure, and over all, they behave like you're ""bothering"" them with your appointment. I would also like to add that whenever Dr. Horiuchi was out (which was often) Dr. Zimmerman was not willing to cover him or help with my refill. I was told I'd have to wait until Horiuchi was back, even if I was out of medication, and Horiuchi was to be gone a week! My wish for Zimmerman, & Chris is that they could have my medical problems & get the same alleged care I did! I now have a wonderful doctor who cares. Good riddance Hilltop Family Physicians! If you want poor medical care & rude treatment, go there!