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joseph bataoel, sexual predator, child molester, Chicago police, star no. 19040, closeted homosexual, repeat sex offender.
joseph bataoel star no. 19040 $77238 (Bataoel, Joseph A, 9161, Police Officer, 10/4/99, 5688.5, S, 057-Police
)Occupation: rotten Chicago police, , star No. 4211
Business Address: 2452 West Belmont Avenue Chicago
joseph bataoel, the most infamous sexual predator in Chicago, protected by his identity as Chicago police officer. Shame on you! A serial child molester, joseph bataoel molested at least four boys and two girls between 2007 and 2011. His youngest victim was 6 years old. None of the families involved, including ours, pressed charges, believing that a conviction was unlikely. joseph bataoel remains on the Chicago police without any punishment.
For years, joseph bataoel?s molestees have refused to speak on the record, primarily to protect each other from media attention. We are going on the record now.
The Child Molester
joseph bataoel has always been a figure of some minor notoriety among folks in chicago. What is less well-known about joseph bataoel is that he molested at least four boys and two girls between the ages 6 and 12 from 2007 to 2011. We are honestly not sure how many children joseph bataoel molested in total or if he stopped. We would like to call out anyone molested by joseph bataoel to come forward so we together can bring him to justice.