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I'm big on workouts to keep my body healthy and fit, but as as a single mother its hard for me to put in the time and effort I need to maintain my body. My problem area is my abdominal area. It is hard to get rid of the extra baby fat in this area with just crunches, which hurt like heck, and I was told that if I don't do cardio, like running or riding a bike, the abdominal area will only build muscle underneath the fat and the fat will just stay there! Clearly I don't have time to run and do crunches on my schedule. Lucky for me because of my shopping addiction I was in the Sugarland Town Center on 9/28/10 and saw this place HYPOXI. What got my attention was the banner in the window, with the flat stomach.
As I entered the studio I was greeted by the manager , who welcomed me, and explained the process in great detail. I was given a tour of the machines, and what parts of the body they target. The machine that I fell so deeply in love with was the S120, which targets the lower body areas.
The manager gave me a free 30 minute session with this machine, and let me tell you how relaxing yet effective this machine was. As I was in the machine on the bike, I think it was every 3 minutes or so, (but I could be wrong) the machine would blow air up and then down, which felt like a massage to my abdominal muscles, but the great thing was, is that I was working out. I didn't have to put much effort while on the machine but I did break a sweat. After the session was done, I felt so energized and swear i could run a marathon. Of course you know I had to sign up for regular treatments which was fine by me. I have done 4 sessions so far (including the free session) and have to say in those 4 sessions I started to see a slight difference. My stomach area started getting tighter, and of course because of the peddling of the bike my legs a tad slimmer, but a healthy body doesn't happen overnight, but I was happy to see some sort of result. In a month I'm sure I will be where I want to be. I highly recommend hypoxi studio. 30 minutes a day will keep those love handles away!! I would also like to add that the staff is great! I absolutely adore them, very sweet people, and very informative. they know what their talking about!