Review content:
Kevin recently designed and executed a large landscaping job at our lakeside Sugar Land house, and we're quite pleased with the process and the results.
Scope of the Job:
(1) It was over $100,000 and took several months to complete.
(2) It involved.....Removal of several dumptruck loads of dirt along the lake, over 350 sq. ft. of 3' high serpentine reinforced rock wall, over 1000 sq. ft. of hardscape patio at the lake and house, construction of a second story cedar deck and two pergolas, installation of a large three-pot water fountain, construction of three raised veneered stone beds, planting of over a dozen trees, plus planting beds and a garden, a custom serpentine iron fence, complete re-work of our irrigation and drainage, all electric work for high-end lighting and the fountain, etc.
Pros: Just about everything. We got our homeowner's ""YARD OF THE MONTH"" award, and we were told that our back yard is now known as the Temple of Delphi (for good reasons). The best thing about Kevin (in addition to the excellent work overall) is how straightforward and honest he is. He's good for his word more so than any interior or exterior contractor we've ever hired or interviewed.
Cons: Just a couple. Like any contractor, you still need to monitor thing closely. Kevin's quite an opinionated person, and he'll steamroll you if you're not careful. So, one word of advice: If you truly believe in your design or your way of doing things, stick to your guns. He's a gifted landscape architect, but nobody's thought about the job more than you. So, trust yourself.
Frankly, we thought about giving him four stars (in case there is even better our there), but we ultimately decided on five because (1) he deserves it, and (2) we may never find any better. Hopefully you can tell (and he'll probably tell you) that we're hard people to please. Five stars (which we've never given before) is a big deal coming from us.