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After being quoted a price over the phone by Ben and leaving a deposit I immediately began noticing red flags with these crooks.
First, my non refundable deposit was not run once, but twice, and when I called their office to inform them of this I was treated as though I had made some sort of mistake, zero marks for people skills. I then assured them of their error ( i am a CPA ) and when I asked to be refunded I was met with a haggling of sorts, i.e, ""well, we're gonna be there in a few days anyway, why don't we just credit it towards your final bill."" sort of line. Again, very unfriendly, uneducated sounding office person with some airy welshman with an accent acting as the manager. I was stressed out as was and just didn't have the energy to argue. During this period NICKS was supposed to drop me some supplies so that I could prep my house for the move, I asked for Pads, wrapping paper, some bubble wrap, tape and various boxes. All of which I was encouraged to get from them by them, and all of which I was assured would arrive at the latest, 5 days before my move, all of which turned out to be LIES. Nothing showed up, I called, I called I called and was met with hostility from two of the office people and some very lame excuses from the rummy welsh manager,
( I know we are in a recession, but that doesn't explain why my moving supplies aren't in my home 2 days before my move.) needless to say, they never arrived. So, the day of my move, My four movers was reduced to 2 movers,
(some how my rate only went down 30 bucks though) one spoke no english and clearly had no prior knowledge of moving, he broke almost everything he touched, the other, I am fairly certain was using coke in my bathroom and threw up several times during my move, so, after all my things get trashed, lost and most certainly pillaged, i get my bill. i wasn't surprised to see i wasn't credited for my double deposit, and was actually billed for the supplies i never got. AMAZING!
I contested the bill, was met with more hostility by my druggie mover, ( was also strong armed for a tip and told to ""go to an ATM I have no doubt my mover was using druugs"") and spent 2 hours waiting to speak with someone who could ""adjust"" my balance. In the end, what was supposed to be a 5 hour venture from start to finished turned into a 5 day odyssey complete with liars junkies, and a thieef. Most of my items were damaged, some lost or stolen, and my original 700 dollar move ended up costing me an estimated 2500 plus, ( that includes damages, and time spent haggeling with these crooks.
Dave, Eric, Ben, Richie and Henrey you ought to be asshamed.
Pros: They didn't set anything on fire..
Cons: Where to begin.....