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The joints in my hands were getting severe enough that it was hard to open things; I was dropping cups, could not even hold my three-year-old daughter, do laundry, things around the house, etc. I assumed it was going to get worse; I was going to have to accept this and continue to live with the pain, not be able to interact with my daughter, do things I once enjoyed, since there really was not much to do for it. My pain, it could be so severe but it came on quickly, I would reach for something and then the pain would be shooting through and I would actually scream. I would stop what I was doing and then it would go away when I was not actually using my hands. It was difficult on my husband to see me in so much pain. He wanted to fix me, but did not know how to. I refused to take pain medication!
I met Dr. Collin out at the Mall, where he was doing a health screening, I told him my symptoms and concerns, as well as letting him know I had never been to a chiropractor before and never had planned to go to one. I was not sure what he could do and I knew nothing about “chiropractor care” so I trusted Dr. Collin’s word that it would be a good experience for me to try it. My husband was all for it, he supported me; we both wanted to find a solution, a cure to all of this.
When I arrived to the office for my consultation with Dr. Collin, greeted by “The utmost friendliness staff, that’s when I knew I made the right decision to come to Dr. Collin at Elite Chiropractic. Spending almost two hours with Dr. Collin, was going to change my life for the better; he listened to me, spent time explaining in detail what types of procedures will be taken to help me, as well as what was causing my symptoms. As well as, how he was going to treat my symptoms. I knew right then, he was going to be the one to help me get through all of this. I was ready to take on this challenge, this experience with Dr. Collin.
Within the two weeks of going to Dr. Collin, I could tell a difference. The joints in my hands were not as severe; so much better, for the first time, I was even able to open up a jar of peanut butter to make a sandwich for my daughter. I will NEVER forget that priceless moment! I looked forward going to see Dr. Collin, because I knew “chiropractic care” was working! I knew then, that I was going to live a better life. Dr. Collin, was doing his work, everything he said he would do, was working, to get me where I was going to be “pain free.”
It has been four months now, I can say, that I am pretty much pain free. I can open a jar, hold my daughter in my arms, do house and yard work, with no severe shooting pain. I can enjoy the things that I was missing in my life with no pain. Going to Dr. Collin has changed my life forever, as well as believing in “chiropractic care.” My husband and daughter are now going in for chiropractic care. We will continue to see Dr. Collin for the rest of our lives!
Thank you Dr. Collin for believing in what you do, as well as your staff for being there for my family and me. Dr. Collin, thank you for helping me get through the pain and never letting me give up! My family and I are thankful and blessed to have you in our lives. If it were not for that one day in the Mall where I approached Dr. Collin, I would still be living my life in PAIN! Now I can say I am NOT! If you are living in pain, please go and see Dr. Collin at Elite Chiropractic, it is worth every penny! You will not regret it! (KT)