Review content:
First and foremost, the front desk staff was very friendly and helpful. The vet assistant that helped me and comforted my dog was also fantastic. What baffles me is how this great staff can work for that doctor.
He came into the room and took one look at my (obviously seriously injured) dog. He didn't even touch him or get within 2 feet to see the injuries, even though the staff members were there petting him and consoling him with no worries. He then comes back a while later and hands me a reasonable estimate for services...except that he deduced the services needed without even looking at my dog.
Then, he tells his assistant, while one foot away from me, "I want a $400 deposit before I'm touching the dog." His estimate clearly said that payment in full was to be made upon the animal's release...
I offered $100 in cash just to get my dog on pain medication and begin a proper examination, and told him I would return immediately with the deposit, which he scoffed at, refused, I then stepped out and called around to find a vet who might take that and begin emergency.
When I returned, he tried to talk me into buying antibiotics for $100 instead before I left, which obviously would not solve anything. My dog had a 2.5 inch gash that had swelled up to baseball size ON HIS THROAT among multiple punctures and lacerations all over his face and body. The fact that he tried to send me home with a bottle of pills to feed my dog and watch him die, without even examining him, simply because I had decided to go elsewhere rather than waste more time trying to pay his made up cash deposit at 9:30 AM is appalling. On my way out, the assistant (who was actually caring and wonderful to my poor dog the whole time) asked him if he wanted to do anything else, and the doctor said, and I quote, "Nope. Just get him out of here." Even she was like, "wow."
I went to another animal hospital, offered them $100 immediately and they took one glimpse at my dog and rushed him in for emergency treatment. They were paid in full for their estimate an hour later, and my dog is currently under sedation getting fluids pumped slowly out of the infection in his throat that would have killed him by the end of the afternoon if i taken doctor don-give-a-s**t's final offer.
DO NOT go there. Doing so means putting the life of your pet in the hands of someone who absolutely does not give a **** about him/her, makes up deposits on a whim based on the owner's appearance at 8 AM after having stayed up all night waiting for them to open, tries to sell you treatments that obviously won't work if you appear ready to leave, and makes smart ass and judgemental remarks about the whole thing while you are in earshot or even in the same damn room.