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Took my cat for dental work Oct. 2011. Was advised he was in good health for procedure.He weighed 20 lbs. After cleaning, he did not eat for a few days, was told this is normal as mouth was probably sore,he started losing weight, but seemed ok a couple weeks after,and he was overweight by about 5 lbs anyway and vet had suggested he lose some weight, so I put food up at night. He then started acting different, becoming more lethargic as time went on.Called vet, took him in, they did more bloodwork,said an enzyme in liver seemed high, wanted to do an ultrasound to check also for blockage and look at liver, wanted, if needed, to take sample of liver but as this would require anesthetic,I refused, said just ultrasound ok-was told liver was high colored but no sign of fatty liver, no blockage, wanted to do more tests, sugg. pancreas prob? I took to diff. Vet, was advised bloodwork from prev. Vet shows liver problem did exist, 2nd Vet.diagnosed fatty liver,my cat, as of today,12/8/11 is barely hanging on at hosp., weighs 12 lbs. Mayfair trying now to suggest my cat was sick before he went in, as he had lost a lb between exam and actual dental work. If this was the case, why did they go ahead and do dental work? Would not recommend any work by them unless you get second opinion,I do not trust their anesthesia, they could not/would not tell me what drug/drugs was in anesthesia or what side effects of anesthesia might be.I had trusted them with a prev. cat who needed ear work,he also took time to recover, he had received extra dose of anesthetic because of ear work and the removal of 2 growths. Did not suspect anything at that time because of what I was advised by them.