Review content:
If you want a kind, gentle relaxing massage do not go to Helen.She asked what I needed worked, I told her the usual: neck, back and calves. Within two minutes she was literally on my back, providing excruciating pain to that area. I've never had a massage therapist get on my back. Continuing with more pressure than a relaxing hot stone massage should have offered, I began to writhe in pain. I told her it was too hard and she said "it tight, I get it". Finally, within perhaps 25 minutes of the most painful massage I've ever received, I had to demand her to stop. She did not want to. I demanded that it was over, while sobbing in pain. I received a partial cupping that was also offered, but had to ask her to take them off due being put on so tightly. It took three days for my back to get to a point where I could get in and out of the car without wincing. My back was covered with bruises from the suction cups, of which I have pictures. The bruises lasted approximately a week. I left the spa unable to bend enough to put on my socks, thank god my shoes were slip on's. I've read other reviews, unfortunately too late to help me, about Helen, but I severely warn anyone who has degenerative disc disease, as I do, to not have Helen work on you. I have never left a massage table in the middle of a session. And I have never been in such pain before. I've had experienced massage therapists help me with my DDD, providing relief through myofacial release. This was a painful first for me. I wish that more communication had been provided from the front room, where I filled out my form, stating I had degenerative disc disease, to the massage provider. Also, it is imperitive that the client know that a hot stone massage given by certain massage therapist is going to be "extreme" deep tissue work and not relaxing.