Review content:
About 2 yrs ago I was desperately looking for a new hair stylist. After several mediocre and occasionally even disappointing, yet oh-so-expensive experiences, at some of the poshest BH salons, I went on CitySearch to see if I could find someone who has a ton of great reviews, is geographically desirable, and hopefully also reasonably priced. Carlos with his OVER 50 FIVE STARS ONLY REVIEWS caught my attention.
I called him for an appointment right away – and the rest is history. This guy has a real talent! Never before have my golden highlights looked so perfect, and the best part is: they last and last and last!! Somehow he manages to make the highlights look so natural (but not invisible! I once had a stylist who wouldn’t stop bragging about her “natural highlights”, while I wished that they would be a little less natural, so I could actually see what I had just spent $350 on...), so when my brown roots grow in, they just blend nicely with the “goldilocks” and there are never any harsh lines, and I can easily wait 2-3 months between appointments.
Besides being a wizard with color and scissors, I love it that Carlos never ignores my wishes, and also that he doesn’t shy away from making some suggestions. Carlos could be called a “holistic” hair stylist ?. He doesn’t just work with your hair but pays attention to the “whole you” (shape of face, body type, lifestyle) to ensure that when you walk out of the salon you look amazing and feel euphoric!!!
I think the reason why Carlos is able to keep his prices sensible is because the ambiance at The Cottage, while clean and comfy is not over the top. In some other, much pricier, salons I have had the feeling that the charges are so high not because the stylist is super-amazing but because the rent is sky-high due to the interior design and address… The Cottage is faultless, everyone who works there is friendly, and you pay for the quality of work.
Last but not least - Carlos is the nicest guy ever. Sweet and sincere. And I must add something that to me is so important, in case there are others like me out there: Carlos doesn’t do dim nonstop chit-chat. He is not one of them who get distracted by their own voice and chop off more and more hair while gossiping (yes, it’s happened to me BC (Before Carlos) more than once.)
Pros: Best color, highlights, cut