Review content:
Penny Road Pub- relating to a review I saw on here earlier: If the band does not play, do not blame the band, talk to the management first before you jump to conclusions as to why the band did not play that night. Maybe the band had a member that was sick, or someone got into a fight earlier, or broke up with a girl, or whatever. Or, maybe the band was never scheduled to play in the first place. Also, why why did you go there expecting much entertainment if your sole purpose was to eat, and why are you crying over an $8 cover charge when restaurants charge more for food and drinks anyhow. I can tell you have never been there before, and know little about bands, or what you were getting yourself into... It is not a good place to eat, and it is just a gathering place for local bands, bikers, and people from all walks of life. They have made many improvements lately. As for the bouncers, why do take such an interest in noticing them? At least they have bouncers. If you were bleeding to death at Club Voodo or elsewhere around there, how long do you think it would take someone to notice? At least at Penny Road, if a fight breaks out, you will know, and the bouncers will beat the you know what out of whoever started it, even though it has historically been a rough place, there are rougher places with worse music, and higher covers, and worse food. Bottom line, if you dont like it there, next time stay home or try Melrose Brweing Company if you want some peace and quiet. If you dont support local bands, or loud music, or lack of entertainment is not your thing stay home, or maybe go elsewhere where you can eat a meal in peace, or get with my friends there tonight, so you can. this is my first message.
Pros: good local bands, and a means to support them
Cons: if you do not like crowds, or people wearing black shirts, look elsewhere.