Review content:
Allow me to apologize for the typo error on claiming the stove was purchased in 2009, it was 2008 thus making the nightmare of owning this even longer.FYI we did purchase pellets from Dean, 12 bags at a time, that did not solve our problem.To say that your stoves work better with Deans pellets is just plain stupid. Its trial and error to find what pellets work with the stove that was purchased, you should know better.
I contacted the Lennox rep the first time, not you.He came and the problem was not rectified.There were many of your service people who came here, the problem was not solved.You know nothing as far as how clean we kept this stove. It was cleaned every 2 or 3 days,we had no choice but to do so.Were we expected to now how to replace burnt out ignition sensors? , I think not. Without that sensor, there would be no heat Ron,as we found out yesterday,when the second rep from Lennox came here to look at the stove.Why is it that all the people you sent out never found that? and that was just one of many things wrong all inside the housing unit, so no, we are not servicemen who have the computers and gimmicks to test all these pieces.I see many many people here unhappy with Deans, glad to see it wasn't just me.
You said Dean sells the stoves, he doesn't make them,well buddy, if he sells them, he should stand behind them. If you go out to dinner and get food poisoning from the chicken you ate, do you go after the owner of the place, or are you telling me it wouldn't be his fault and you would go look for the farmer who raised them?
I find it funny that you started with my review and find it to be the worst, what I said was nothing compared to some others.
Your a mere salesman who knows zip about these stoves, except the price.
You and Deans taught us a great lesson about trust and honesty, neither of you know the meaning of the words.
As I said, the second rep from Lennox came yesterday, he found many things wrong, including the installation, we were sold kits that we didn't even need.Is the problem fixed with this stove, who knows, he was smart enough not to say as the others did"your stove will be fine now", Its 60 and 70 degrees at the moment, kind of like finally getting your snow ski's adjusted right and having the store tell you to try them out,, in the middle of July.
I'm done with this blog, with you Ron and Deans, I'll let the BBB continue to decide what to do with you, I see its not the first time they have heard of you.
People, again stay clear of this place..
Update: 3-22-2010
We tried the stove today due to the cold and rain, as expected, started it around 2PM, went out by 5PM.
Never much of a flame, and no heat.
Problem still continues!
Pros: None
Cons: Too Many