Review content:
The business is called Heath and Hames Income Tax owned solely by Alvin and Alicia Hames. Previously Heaths Income Tax in Cartersville owned by Larry Heath.. We have no other offices anywhere.
Everyone in this office, including Larry Heath, has their own private individual Preparer Tax ID number aka PTIN issued by the Internal Revenue Service. All returns are prepared electronically and sent electronically. All returns are tracked back to that certain preparer so the IRS can keep current with errors or compliance and inform that preparer of what they need guidance with.
There is no fraud in this office, every taxpayer is required by law to be able to provide proof if requested of every expense and warned not to claim items if they don't have them. No one in this office is going to permit any kind of unjustified expenses.
Also, looking at some of these reviews, be sure when you say "Heath" or "Larry" did mine, that you know WHICH one did them. Heath was the last name, Andy let people think he was the owner and even let people believe he was Larry. When making accusations, please let them be about the right person. It's on your receipt.
So in closing, the 5 star rating on our site is to run, don't walk to our office, so you can get the best tax refund at the lowest price from experienced, knowledgeable tax professionals that don't make you afraid to answer any question where you can feel relaxed at a stressful time every year.
Many are still here, Larry Heath, Stacy Heath-White, Brian Heath, Alicia Hames, Connie Luense, Cathleen Wilson, Princess Baldwin, Angela Bramlett are the preparers and Kathy Heath, Annie Ruth and Alvin Hames are in the front in customer service and answering phones all day long.
Peak hours and days are Monday-Saturday 7am-6pm, Please keep in mind, we try to leave the office at 6pm, we will not do walk-in tax returns after they have cut off the lines and preparers, but the office is open if you have a question. Most of our preparers are full time 11 hours a day. Please make your visit plans accordingly.
We look forward to many years of continuing service and giving you reliability and accountability and answers. Open in the off season too, days and hours will be posted on the answering machine, always call before coming in the off season. Will probably be Mon and Tues 9-12.