Review content:
Having been a Massage Therapist for 11 years all over the world, and also being a teacher of Massage Therapy, I know what I'm talking about when I note that this is the ONLY Massage Therapy clinic I will send anyone to in NePA. I actually believe them to be some of the best in the nation, not even just in the State. A few years back I got ill and "retired" from performing massages for a while - my clients were in a frenzy about it and needed somewhere to go... Thank goodness that Utopia Spa (and namely Michael, an ultra-professional, truly gifted, Licensed Therapist) was there for me to refer people to, because honestly I wouldn't be comfortable referring them to anyone else in this region. Most Massage Therapists specialize namely in relaxation, OR they specialize in Sports Injuries, really sore muscles and backs, etc..., some specialize in both, but will make you choose between the two - do you want a relaxing massage that does nothing to help your back/muscles, or do you want your muscles worked on hard, but to be in pain? Well, not at Utopia. There you get everything under one roof and in one Therapist. You will recieve an extremely relaxing massage that is also utterly thorough and gets out all the "kinks" that have been ailing you. They know the anatomy of the inner workings of the body and each muscle so well, that you feel absolutely sucure that they can help fix what the initial problem is in your body, and also give you advice about how to further help/prevent the problem at home (they actually fix the problem and don't gloss over it so you keep having to come back over and over and over - a trick many Therapists use, unfortunately). At Utopia they don't just glaze their hands softly over you for the whole hour and leave you feeling disappointed, and then try to re-book you. They TRULY care about your health and wellbeing and doing everything they can to facilitate it. I've given Massages for 11 years, from very upscale Spas and Gyms to Doctors' offices, and like I said above have also taught Massage Therapy, so please take my advice and trust me when i say that you won't be disappointed, and will be able to get your pain fixed whilst being truly relaxed at the same time. Make sure to call and pre-book, they fill up fast and you won't get a walk-in appointment. And if you have any concerns at all about people "messing with your back" - Michael was the only one in the area and only one of a couple in all of PA who were LICENSED (his license is from Florida, as PA still does not require their Therapists to be licensed) 10 years or so before PA even "suggested" (i believe it's still not even a law) that Massage Therapists take a Certification Exam to practice. While you should ALWAYS at least try to find a Therapist who is Certified, finding one who is Licensed is so, so much better, as the Certification exam is a thousand times easier to pass than the extremely comprehensive and multi-faceted Licensing exam. Like I said, Michael has been Licensed for at least 15 years now, if not more - so treat yourself well and go to the best!:)