I had a great massage in Issaquah today at the Eastside Elements Massage. They gave me a quality deep Swedish massage that relaxed me so much I almost fell asleep 5 or 6 times. By the time I left my massage in Issaquah to head home to Bellevue, I felt like I was made of Jello.
I had several knots in my shoulders, and my mid-back was tender. I think I worked out too hard and strained a muscle or something. My shoulders and back have been bothering me all week. But the massage therapist at Elements made quick work of it. When I woke up this morning, all the sore spots were no longer sore, and I felt more relaxed than I have in weeks. I feel 100% better, and am thrilled to have set up another appointment in a couple weeks.
The front desk staff was very friendly and helpful. He helped me sign up for the member plan, where you get discounts and save money on every massage. Getting a great massage that is also a cheap massage is hard to come by. This is both an affordable massage AND one that I would pay a LOT more for (but don't tell Elements Massage I said that). I felt like I got a great value for my dollar, and with the member plan benefits, I will be getting a lot more massages since massage will be so much more affordable.
If you're an Eastside local and haven't gotten a massage at Elements Massage in Issaquah, you're totally missing out. Make sure you check them out - especially if you have any aches and pains like I did! I sure don't anymore!