I am not only a Distinctive Petsitter, but I use this company for my own pets. Believe me, that's the best thing that can be said about a pet care company by someone that directly knows the way things actually go behind the scenes. I am a very particular pet parent, and I have total faith in my Petsitter, Krissy or anyone else that might sub for her. In fact, the things that go on that clients don't see would amaze them! We take pictures, we sit around with each other sharing cute stories about the pets, we often accompany another Petsitter on a job we aren't assigned simply to see the cute pets, and we always give extra touches and care to the pets and the client's home. \r
Not only do I love my Petsitter, but I get to witness first hand the way Lisa runs her business. Lisa truly cares about each and every client, and, of course, she is a true and avid pet lover. Just recently, she took in a poor stray kitten a neighbor found. This kitten is now loving life as a spoiled addition to her family with the other office kitties--no cat has a better life than the office cats that receive love from not only Lisa, but the entire staff! Lisa always goes the extra mile to get clients what they need when they need it. I've worked for those people that only do something if it directly benefits their bottom line, but Lisa is much more focused on pleasing clients and building a long-lasting rapport. Her dedication and constant availability amaze me. I know I always have her support at any moment should I have a question or issue out in the field. \r
There is nothing like getting to spend your days working with pets, but, after spending years working for various companies dealing with pets, I have come to the firm resolution that I will never work for a company I do not believe in. Distinctive Petsitting truly represents the dedication, care, and positive philosophy that I can put my name on.