I scheduled an appointment with my GYN so he could refer me for a follow up Ultrasound and while I waited to see him, I began researching fibroids in alternative health books and online and I found the Fibroid Buster Formula at Dhealthstore.com.
I started using it in May 2006 and by the time I saw the GYN, the fibroid was already half the size and by the time the Ultrasound date came, it was almost non-existent! All this took a very short time (a few months and I did not even finish the all of the formula yet)! I felt less "pressure" in the lower left area of my abdomen.
The doctor claimed these go away on their own as estrogen production stops, but I have been menopausal for almost a decade before the tumor was found, so I have no doubt that the Fibroid Buster Formula did the trick. I could literally FEEL it shrinking away!
I realize larger tumors may take a longer while to shrink, but this product truly works without side effects or any kind of assault on the body - one day you just FEEL GOOD again and your body is the way GOD intended it to be!
I highly recommend FIBROID BUSTER Formula and am grateful that this formula exists, especially for women who have only been offered surgery as an option to a serious condition - now they can make a healthy, uninvasive, unmutilative alternative choice!
I have been an avid user of Dhealthstore’s products ever since!