Dear John Flynn & Staff\r
It was the hardest of times, yet with your kindness, compassion and expertise it became an easier time. The passing of my father was unexpected, thus no prior arrangements were made. So much to prepare for; with so little time and with sorrow and griefin the way. It almost seamed that you flicked a switch and put the light on at the end of the tunnel. The appearance of my father was that of a man ready to wake and begin his new day. The service at your funeral home was family friendly followed by a church service which was unbellevable. The Honor guard ceremony at the steps of the church followed the church ceremony created a stir which will not soon be quieeted. All in attendance have commented about it and are telling many others who were not able to attend. Your services will help keep our fathers memory alive for many years to come.\r
Word's can't express the gratitude of my whole family to you and your staff.\r
Forever grateful we remain\r
Yvette M.\r