I found out I was pregnant and didnt have a primamy gyno so since this is the one my sister used during her pregnany I decided to try it out, Well I made an appointment as soon as I found out I was pregnant, 4 days later I was in the hospital with signs of a miscarriage, I had to wait 3 days until the office opened back up from the weekend, my appointment was at 3:10pm I was worried about my body and my baby so I called to get in sooner, I explain my situation to the woman who answered the phone which was very rude to me and persisted to tell me that I already had an appoinment so just wait, finally after pleading with her to get me in sooner she rescheduled and told me that whenever I got to the office be prepared to wait because her doctor had a procedure to do. Whenever I got to the office all they did was take blood work from me and sent me home, they didnt care about me personally or even try to run any other tests on me to try to figure out why I was in so much pain. I switched gynos the next day which did a sonogram and found out indeed I was having a miscarriage. They are very unprofessional and do not care about paytients, they only care about there job..