I wanted a sweet loving, low shedding, good temperament puppy. After taking a survey on Animal planet which dog suited my needs the search began.
I put in her breed mini schnauzer. Found several sites, and I did not like what I saw. The other breeders had sad and sick puppies.
Was happy to find my sweet heart of a baby. I called Orville. He let me talk made the appointment to see her. I held her in my arms and that was soon to be 2 years ago in December.
Before she was old enough to come home I went for regular visits unannounced. The establishment was always clean as was my Hermione. I live over an hour away.
When I picked my baby up, I took her the same day day to my vet. She looked her over and said she was excellent specimen of her breed!! Said her breeder and her momma was a good one!!!!
To those that say their dog had worms. All puppies have worms. Any vet will tell you it takes up to three treatments to make sure they are gone. They get them from their mother's milk.