Zig-E's Funland is a 3.4 acre family entertainment center located in St. John, IN, just 30 min away from Chicago. With the facilities, sociable environment, and hometown ambiance, Zig-E•??s is a fantastic place for a day full of exhilaration and amusement.
Zig-E's provides a variety of entertainment options that appeal to a wide range of ages and interests including:
• Go-Karts
• Miniature Golf
• Softball & Baseball Batting Cages
• Bungee Trampoline
• Two-Building Redemption Arcade
• Snack Shop
In addition, Zig-E's Funland strives to create smiles, laughter, and excitement for all ages while establishing birthday memories that will last a lifetime! Birthday packages for all budgets!
Call, stop by, or visit our website for more information!. Amusement Parks|Batting Cages|Bungee Trampoline|Go Karts|Laser Tag|Miniature Golf|Pucker Powder Candy Art|Race Tracks|Redemption Arcade|Rides|Snack Shop|Tourist Attractions