I was very disappointed with my experience in multiple ways. First, I called before my appt, faxed my insurance card to the receptionist and she assured me that they accepted my insurance. However, when I arrived to the appointment, she told me the opposite. Therefore, he was an out of network chiropractor and I had to pay more than an in network chiropractor. Regardless, I decided to see this Zen chiropractor because my back was in such bad condition and it was late in the day before a 3-day holiday when I assumed all chiros would have been closed. The chiropractor (the owner of Zen) started negotiating with me about how many visits he wanted me to visit and the price of each (this was before he even diagnosed me). Being in so much pain at the moment, I negotiated for a price and he was firm over a minimum 6 visits. He took x-rays and they were very blurry...so blurry that when I took them to a new chiropractor, that new chiropractor was not able to see anything clearly andmake a diagnosis. This Zen chiropractor then made promises on a specific treatment for each visit but never facilitated the treatment because he said that he forgot to bring the instrument from his other office (I doubt he even had a different office). The Zen chiropractor then attempted to sell me the traction machine in his office (50 visits for about $5,000)...what a scam! He gave me some line about how it has fixed 90% of patients but there was no guarantee....yeah right! I ultimately left him after a few visits because he was NOT doing anything positive for me. At each visit he continually pushed me to buy his vitamins and buy the traction machine 50 visit deal for app. $5,000. I personally know that traction machine he has is very expensive, therefore, it makes sense that he was pushing these expensive treatments on me. The humorous thing about my entire experience with him was that he told me that I had osterperosis (loss of bone density) due to lack of exercise...I am very far from having this problem!