In my opinion Dr. Yousuf is the most inconsiderate, uncaring, unprofessional doctor i have ever met. In her office you will sit for hours while the drug reps bring food through the lobby into a side door of her office, If you have an early morning appointment you are treated to her staff having breakfast while the doctors dont show up until late morning. When you are finally called into the office you get to see the medical professional's back while they ask you questions on a computer. Doesnt matter if you dont hear well, you just have to keep asking them to repeat their questions. Then, in my experience they keep telling you how depressed you are and insist on writing a prescription I keep throwing in the trash. Oh, and dont forget the blood work to see if you are taking the the dope they put you on. When the controlled drug doesnt show up, they become excited. Save yourself, find a caring, compassionate doctor or practioner. Not found here.