I suppose in this age of instant gratification it’s not unusual for a person to browse a store for ten minutes before walking out, and for one who obviously lacks the social skills to excuse themselves to an otherwise engaged proprietor to do so indignantly. As for myself, in the thirty-something years I have been shopping at Yorktown Hobby, I can spend ten minutes just browsing, looking at all of the wonderful models and crafts – even when I know exactly what I’m looking for! And the proprietor, Jim Rogers, is a gentleman who is always ready to help any customer. The fact is, he is usually engaged with one whenever I visit, offering advice or encouragement, and to wait ten minutes for him to finish with a customer is no different than for someone else to wait while he helps me. Unfortunately, after forty one years Jim is closing up shop, and I know I’m not the only one who is going to miss his knowledge, advice and down home common-man touch. His shop wasn’t just a wonderland for an overgrown kid like myself; it was a fun place to hangout and pick up advice, or just talk politics or the weather with him and his staff. Sadly, with the advent of Internet shopping, that is another social skill that will be lost to the detriment of our society. Good luck with your new endeavors, Jim.