I am a bit of a join-a-gym-aholic. Ever since graduate school I have bounced a bit from jobs to figure out the best fit – and as a result have joined a gym near every job. Budget conscious (or just slightly lacking common sense) I sign up for the year or two year membership to get the cheapest rate. Disclaimer over, I have belonged to many gyms. Greendale YMCA, located on the outskirts of Worcester, has a cheaper price tag and a significantly better array of options for your dollar. Pool, discounted child care while you workout, a walking/running track, kids gym catered to youth, and state of the art fitness equipment. This is the first gym I have belonged to that has video animated screens of laps you achieve on the elliptical, treadmill, or bike. Motivation at its best and reasonably priced personal training – how can you go wrong?
Pros: high end cardio equipment
Cons: have yet to find one...