I took my two boys earlier this evening to swim, aged 4 and 7. The lifeguard and assistant to the aquatic center at the YMCA told my seven year old that he doesn't know how to swim and told him he was not allowed to swim in the 4 foot section without a life- vest even with myself present unless I was holding him at all times. My son is well over four feet tall and a very competent swimmer especially since they are responsible for teaching him. If after 3 years, of them teaching him how to swim and a regular visitor as well, and now they feel he is incompetent and may drown unless he is in the three foot section only. They even had it roped off. If this is the belittling and disrespectful response we are going to receive from the facility we will not be going back. I also wonder about their adequate ability to instruct and lifeguard, especially since training consists of 10 weeks at LBCC.