When I grew up in Yakima I saw the cafe, with that famous revolving sign depicting a hunter with a rifle shooting things in all directions, in quite a different light. When I took my cousin there recently, I expected him to overhear conversations from the locals about what they shot last weekend. But the new ownership has transformed the place into something that I doubted could exist in Yakima:
From their website:
"Showcasing talent from the Northwest and beyond, Yakima Sports Center is the Central Washington hub for fresh
cuisine, local art, live music, craft beers, valley wines, and sports enthusiasts. While preserving an historic 1910 landmark in the heart of downtown Yakima, the Sports Center celebrates all four seasons of flavors from our agriculturally rich valley with sizzle."
The food is quite good and the music surprisingly great...
It's hip, it's thriving, and it's fantastic!