WWOJ is a Country Station that is totally involved with the community.
The Morning Show is on weekdays from 6am until 10am and "stars" John Meder, along with Barry Foster. Stacy Clark, who I think should replace Meder, is the mid day DJ. Joe Donelan has only been at OJ a couple of years, although he's been a country radio personality for more than 20 years.
To me, the best part about OJ is Paul Harvey. His show plays Monday through Friday at 8:40am, 12:30pm and 4:30pm and on Saturday at 8:40am and 12:30pm. I've been known to sit in my car just to hear him!
My favorite DJ was Jerel Eller. He was funny and full of personality. I think OJ made a big mistake when they got rid of him.
OJ keeps me going many a day. In fact, I'm listening to country's best songs even as I write this!