Last week we picked up our two dogs. We had paid for them both to be brushed three times during their stay. Obviously, this had never happened. I was horrified to find one of them with her entire back end matted and knotted. Her hair was stuck together with something. Wood chips were stuck in that. We complained and were told that she had very recently developed a hot spot and that was the result of our other dog licking it. What?? First, she has never had hot spots. Secondly, this didn't just recently happen. We had received an email a couple days earlier saying all was fine with them. I guess, no sign of a hot spot then. When I took her home it took me most of the day to soften what was layers of dried blood and puss that stuck her fur together so thoroughly I could not even immediately cut into it. I had to shave and trim a bare spot onto my long haired dog seven inches square. She was covered in a rash, scabs and two large stinking pus filled sores. The larger one is about 3 inches by two. It had a great deal of greenish pus oozing from it. This was not a recent problem. My only guess is that feeling stressed about being left at the kennel my dog took to chewing on herself. And was simply left to do as much damage as she could in her stay. My other dog, simply trying to help or drawn to the blood she was oozing, made it that much worse.
Why were they so neglected? Why could no one try to stop her? Deter her? Keep them both from harming her further? Why was there no attempt at brushing that out and tending to an open wound? Why was she left to fester and become infected? Taking care of other people's pets is the damn job! That's the business. That would include tending to any illness or injury or preventing a pet from creating an injury.
I'm not even concerned with the fact that they should have returned extra food and that they were so lazy they didn't bother to rinse out our food containers. It is their lack of concern that they have taken on the responsibility of taking care of another living being, someone that is loved by a family and they chose to act with such disregard for that creature and those that love her. At the time we could only ascertain that she was not brushed as promised. We were told that they would send a check for the amount of money we paid for the brushing if we felt it did not actually happen. We have not received a check.