When your team arrived at our office for our first meeting 4 years ago, I was not sure what the expectations should be. I wasnâ??t sure if we were too late to enter the internet market or were we on the cutting edge. In my heart, I felt we had waited too long and that otherâ??s were way ahead of us before we launched our web site!
During our meeting, I expressed those concerns to your team. You surprised me with information that I wasnâ??t expecting. Our particular industry (carpet cleaning) was way behind the curve on internet marketing. What we were looking to do was unprecedented within our industry! I was pleased to hear that but was equally shocked!
You have delivered results and you have delivered a product and service that is impressive to many of our peers within the system we operate in. Our internet marketing system has been used as a role model for others to follow. Thatâ??s impressive. And, we have steadily gained a foot hold in most of the major search engines thanks to your team's continuous advice and knowledge. We have recommended you and your company to many others and will continue to do in the future.
Thank you putting our business on the internet road map!