I have finally found a place so horrible that it has made me create a review account. I will try to stick to the facts of the visit and leave out my personal feelings. I arrived at 8:30 for my appointment, filled out normal paperwork, and waited while three other people (who did not have appointments) were called in before me. The paperwork started with the routine up sale to the eye dilation (but not too much pressure). I have insurance that covers the exam and gives me $120 allowance to spend on contacts. After the exam, they had me put a trial pair of contacts in my eyes and then sat me down to explain what I could order (or I thought). They first tried to sell me two pairs of sunglasses. Then they told me about a $400 plan to get contacts. I told them I did not want to spend more then what I had on insurance. The woman then broke down my insurance and their fees. I have $120 allowance, but there is a $70 "professional fee" for the eye exam, which I was told about before the exam and just agreed to because they convinced me this was normal. That left me with $50 allowance. But then the lady added on a $99 fitting fee... I asked what that was for and she said for the "special contacts" I was told to get. I told her I was never informed of that. Usually I use my insurance, get the exam and 6 months supply of contacts, and walk out just paying my co-pay. Now I was paying out of pocket my $10 copay and $50 and only walking out with a prescription ($120-$70-99= -50)?? I told her I did not want the contacts then, just the prescription since I was never told about the extra fees. She acted as if I had knowledge of the extra fee and I asked her nicely to show me where the fee was presented, but she could not. The woman got very frustrated and told me just to go take the contacts out, and I politely obliged. The woman then left me for a few min (to talk to the Doc I suppose) and came back to me. The woman told me that she was sorry they could not help me. I said it was no