World Prayer Tabernacle is one church body with four different campuses operating in Covington, Louisiana; Chalmette, Louisiana; Picayune, Mississippi; and Kenner, Louisiana. The ministry of World Prayer Tabernacle has been preaching the Gospel and serving the needs of its community for nearly sixty years. Our rich history began in St. Bernard Parish in 1954, where the ministry began as a small missions work that met each week in a member's home. We grew under several pastors and several building programs. In 1991, Pastor Carl Catalanotto became Senior Pastor. Under the leading of the Holy Spirit, the church was transitioned from a traditional church structure into a soul winning, small group structure. In August 2005, just as the church was approaching six hundred people in attendance, Hurricane Katrina destroyed the entire St. Bernard community, including the church building, and dispersed the congregation throughout the Gulf South. After this time, what Jesus stated in the book of John became so relevant, “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” (12.24, NIV), for it was from the remnant that was left that the Lord established our North, South, and East campuses. In October of 2005, the remnant of the congregation who returned to the devastated area began meeting again in a borrowed church building in Mandeville, Louisiana, on Sunday afternoons. However, many felt the call to return to the Chalmette area to reestablish their homes and to reach out to neighbors and friends who were in desperate need of hope after such tragedy. This was the beginning of our North (Covington) and South (Chalmette) campuses. In May of 2006, Pastors Derek and Bonnie Buchert, along with the members who returned to the Chalmette area, began meeting in the rebuilt House of Prayer building on the back of the property. Within no time the building was too small to house the congregation, so they expanded by converting an automobile body shop into a sanctuary. What a testimony… where once man rebuilt wrecked cars, God rebuilt broken lives! As growth continued, plans were made to rebuild a church facility at its pre-Katrina location. In August of 2015, the South campus completed construction on this new facility. What was destroyed by Katrina has been restored through the power of God! Pastors Carl and Dawn Catalanotto and the members who settled on the Northshore continued to meet in the borrowed church facility in Mandeville until our North campus building was purchased and renovated. Our North campus began to have regular services at its location in Covington, Louisiana, in October of 2008. In the midst of our rebuilding process, the Lord saw fit to add another campus to our ministry, our East campus located in Picayune, Mississippi. This body of precious believers was already a part of our fellowship (Network of Related Pastors) and was in need of a pastor. Our overseer, Bro. Rod Aguillard, approached Pastor Carl about shepherding this flock. As there is always room in your heart for one more child, Pastor Carl gladly accepted the offer. Pastor Carl preached at both the East and the North campuses for a year until the Lord revealed to him who the permanent shepherds were to be. Pastors Manuel and Denise Guerra accepted God's calling and became the senior pastors of the East campus in October, 2007. The ministry of World Prayer Tabernacle continues to expand and we are excited to announce the opening of our fourth campus – WPT West. The beginning of this new campus is similar in many ways to the Apostle Paul's response to a vision about a Macedonian man begging him to “Come over to Macedonia and help us” (Acts 16:9, NIV).