I was directed to World Of Wireless after the 'unauthorized' T-mobile of Woodbury, MN referred me there to unlock my phone (b/c the unauthorized T-mobile said that no one else knows the PIN code and that T-mobile customer service wouldn't be able to do anything about it). So, not knowing any better, I went to WOW on the East side of St. Paul and they unlocked my phone. I paid $19.99 for it and trusted them. Today, a week and a half later, I find out that my memory card has been MISSING, and no one has called me from WOW to tell me that they have my missing MEMO CARD!! Argh! So MAD! --YES, THEY HAVE MY PHONE NUMBER! I called and left a message for them to return it. Are they going to say that they don't have it and then sell it for a cheaper price to their customers? Ever wonder why their prices are so cheap?? *sigh* I am so mad!