One of the most basic and mandatory requirements that a parent has in choosing any extra-curricular activity for their child is the safety of any such activity. The safety and well-being of a child is of the utmost importance to any parent. No parent cares how great a dance studio is, if it causes harm to their child. How great can they really be anyway if they make their dancers dance on dangerous floors that can cause serious and possibly permanent damage to the dancers. They claim to have ""state of the art dance facility"", but that is obviously misleading to say the least. My daughter has been dancing for nine years on good quality, floating dance floors (thank God) for the first eight years. However, this past year we ended up at TWDF (The Woodlands Dance Force) due to an unfortunate merger of our studio and theirs. In my daughter's first eight years dancing on the floating floors she did not have a single dance injury nor did any other girl in the entire studio that I am aware of. In fact, she never had any complaint other than maybe some sore muscles. We had no idea just how fortunate we were to have her dancing on the industry recommended floating dance floors all of those years. In just one short year at TWDF everything changed drastically for the worse. In hardly no time at all our daughter was suddenly complaining about her back, knees, ankles and feet hurting, and so on. For the first time in her life; we had to take her to the Doctor due to a dance related injury in her back/spine. We ultimately ended up taking her to a chiropractor once or twice a week for numerous weeks. Finally, we decided it was in our daughters' best interest to take her out of dance at the end of April. Consequently, she didn't get to participate in the recital which was really upsetting to her. However, she did agree with us that it was for her own safety and well-being. We did not want to risk causing any further injury to her still growing and delveloping body.
Pros: Good Instructors
Cons: Bad Dance Floors, Dangerous Dance Floors, Unacceptable Dance Floors