I took my truck into them this year to be diagnosed and was told by the owner that it would be $1592.00 to fix and that I needed a number of parts, parts that I was told were wrong for that truck but verified by Ford that they were indeed right and what it called for...then told me I needed more of a certain part then ford even shows for that year truck.....Charged me for a complete compression test when I only agreed to one cylinder....none of which would have ever fixed the issue...they totally mis-diagnosed the problem..The owner just wanted to argue with me about everything plus I had to pay $226.00 for nothing to get my truck back....Took my truck to Ford Dealer found out all I needed was a $43.00 electrical part plus labor to fix........... Unbelievable! Truck has ran great ever since! They are not a member of the BBB and have several complaints filed against them. I tried to settle through BBB but was not resolved. I have paperwork from each place to prove everything... There are honest shops out there but in my opinion this is not one of them pursuant to the experience I had with them.