For the first time in my life I was kicked out of a bar! I was talking to a married man for a couple of hours and made it clear to him that I wasn't into married men. His wife came into the bar looking for him and made a scene....raising her voice and shouting at me and her husband. I tried to tell her there wasn't anything going on between her husband and myself, but she only shouted more. After she and her husband left, I tried to order another drink but was refused although I wasn't publicly drunk. I was sitting quietly at the bar. The barmaid---Jaime---kicked me out of the bar! Then she called the police because I defended myself against her accusations! The police took my side and didn't press charges. I believe if the married man I was chatting with was still there, I would've been served another drink. Don't go to this bar if you're looking to have a safe, quiet evening over a few drinks and relax. Jaime might decide she doesn't want you there. There are plenty of other bars in Berlin, NJ to spend your money in where you won't be harassed by an employee.
Pros: It has a liquor license
Cons: Poor customer service