I thankfully never enrolled my child into this school. I went for a tour twice and both times, they rubbed me the wrong way. It seems very clean and the director seems very nice, professional and organized. But the teachers don't. I just got a bad feeling about the teachers and couldn't trust them with my child. I liked the setup of the rooms and cleaniness and was going to enroll my 2 yr old. But upon my tour, the director left me alone with the teachers in the classroom while she tended to something else. I observed the older teacher yelling at a toddler for taking off her shoe. I don't mind discipline, but she was screaming at her in such an abrasive manner. I found her tone of voice to be way too harsh for addressing a 2 yr old. I am assuming the director must have heard the teacher yelling because she came rushing in and tried to make light of the matter. She asked what was going on and the teacher at this point was putting the shoe back on the little child. And she started yelling again, ""she took off her shoe again... this is the 3rd time she does this.... I am sick of putting her shoe on."" The director's response was to the child and she said ""oh, you're so silly, you have to keep your shoes on silly."" I was surprised that the director tolerated such abrasiveness from her staff toward the children. I felt the director was trying to be playful about it because I was there. She kept looking at my face for a reaction. I felt that if I wasn't there, I doubt she would have even cared. I felt so bad for the little girl, who was very quiet, and just sat there looking so sad. And then I noticed that all the children were oddly quiet. I got the feeling that they were afraid of the teachers. I decided not to enroll my child at that point. I did like the facility and how clean it was, so I decided to give them a 2nd look. I went back for another tour. This time when I went the children were having lunch. But when I walked in the room the children were just sitting there, staring at the food. A couple of kids were picking at their food but that was it. And the teachers were just sitting there watching them. The older teacher had an annoyed look on her face. She just didn't seem happy to be with children. I felt the teachers should have been helping the children to eat if necessary or at least been encouragaing them to eat. When lunch ended most (if not all) the kids hadn't eaten a bite of their food. Again, I felt bad for the kids. I wondered how many parents would like to know that their children most likely go hungry all day. After that I knew I could never feel comfortable sending my child to this place.